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Chaos War v1.0 build 670
written and tested by: Ronny
Who haven’t had this sugarsweet dream about world domination?
Ok, just nod, you won’t be visible to others ;D

If you know the movie "WarGames", you’ll be beamed back into the early 80s of the last century (the 20th one - we already have cars ;D) and you’ll found yourself between two fronts which fight in fictive war. Instead of cold coffe and war with the same temperature the whole scenario uses nuclear missiles rocking over the map.

Ok, it may sound a bit bloodthirsty and aggressive but in the end you’ll recognize that Chaos War is much more like "Risk" as you thought. Although there aren’t any troop placements or bonus troops for occupied continents you only have limited varies of units to use (all with dis- and advantages).

Curtly counted four basetypes could be named: cities - increasing income, military bases - good enough for airdefence, submarines - sneak, fire and descent and there’re long-/middle- and short-distance missiles with nuclear warhead.
The cities and the bases are upgradeable (if you have enough fund) for increasing their usability. Submarines whereas are manoeuvrable and thereby placeable in every corner of the world.

Missiles are famous for their speed and therefor the control of such a projectile isn’t as easy as a submarine. Kind of steerable but a bit bullheaded when it comes to aiming at hostile cities.

Goal of every scenary, regardless of campaign or "skirmish mode", is to defeat every hostile unit. Whether you convert neutral cities into debris or not - you decide. But take into consideration that such actions decrease your reputation around the world.

Every turn you’ll get some funds for buying new armory or weapons. The stupid thing with Chaos War is the acting of the AI. Because of the time running for every turn you may have to wait for your opponent although no unit is moved and nothing is done from this computer controlled enemy. So with this useless spent time the gameplay is much more smoother than a fast paces tactical war.

Computer controlled opponent? Yeah, you’re able to decide between three different difficulties. The first one is for beginners but the two other ones may use simultaneous troop movements and other finesses. If a binary opponent isn’t enough for you: just try the hotseat-mode with a human contrahent.

Graphically Chaos War reminds of old Screens out of the 80s cold-war-thrillers. Everything is green and black and although in dark rooms such a optic is Ok you’ll be strained in a daylighted room.
Gfx gimicks wont be found because submarines and all other symbols just consist of some pixels (but this is providing more overview).
If you’re an experienced strategy-game-player you won’t have problems with such graphics but the gross could loose their anticipation for downloading the game.

First the music is coherent but while playing for some turns or hours it turns to bothering while the sound effects limit themself to some small bullet- or missileeffects.

If you take the size of nearly 2 MegaByte into consideration so mainly tacticians with addiction to realtime-strategy are adviced to download Chaos War for having a nice game on their hard disk.


date: 14.08.2005 Downloads: 17089  size: 1.74 MB  players:  

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