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#1 15.05.2024 09:11

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

I can help create.

I am a big fan of the game Mad Tv. I came across you guys by accident. I like your version very much. I would like to actively help in the development of the game. I would like to translate the game into Polish. I can join at any time. I have played Mad tv many times, so I know how it all works. I helped with mods in the game Empire Tv.


#2 15.05.2024 11:40


Re: I can help create.

Thanks for offering to contribute. For working on translations you don't even need a full development setup - you can start with the latest released version.

With the following steps you set up the game for adding a new language (in particular for Polish):
* move pl.png from res/gfx/gui/flags/currently_unused to res/gfx/gui/flags
* add a line for the flag in config/gui_languageflags.xml (<sprite name="flag_pl"    url="res/gfx/gui/flags/pl.png" />)
* in all subfolders of res/lang copy xxx_en.txt to xxx_pl.txt

res/lang contains the translations of the "fixed" game elements. The files are and must be UTF-8-encoded! I suggest, you start with res/lang/gen_settings/gen_settings_pl.txt because when starting the game and switching between languages, you immediately see the effect.

Please do not change the structure of the txt-files (ordering, empty lines or spaces before "=" etc.) - just update the translation. You may prefix any existing line with # to mark that the translation is missing, which may be helpful if you go systematically through the files and do not want to deal with a key, yet. In larger files, searching for # will be easier than finding a line where the text is still English.

All relevant code is managed at GitHub (https://github.com/TVTower/TVTower). If you have an account, simply fork the repository, create a pl-translation-branch, make changes and create a pull request when you are done. If you do not want to create a GitHub account, all we need are the txt-files...

Note that in the current development branch the structure of stats_x.txt has slightly changed wrt. the last release (see https://github.com/TVTower/TVTower/commit/d8a675a0d08ef0d68a46e5e697b9fa7b0f56151e#diff-8d4dec7158023458334a0d89fb0352c8da69463d09482ca965e39d94724e554f) although the English file has not been updated, yet... But this can be dealt with once you are up and running.

#3 15.05.2024 16:47

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

Thanks for tips. I'm starting work.


#4 15.05.2024 21:28

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

Does the order matter in the program file?
Because when I changed <title> to <title_original> it doesn't load the programs.
<programme id="1003a969-6d96-4f0f-94ce-954c0f5ad502" product="1" licence_type="1" tmdb_id="0" imdb_id="tt0289043" creator="">
                <de>28 Tage später</de>
                <en>28 Days Later</en>
                <de>28 Tage später</de>
                <en>28 Days Later</en>
                <de>Ein Virus hat scheinbar ganz London entvölkert. Jim, der aus dem Koma erwacht ist, sieht sich in der leeren Großstadt lediglich Infizierten gegenüber, die Jagd auf ihn machen.</de>
                <en>A virus has apparently depopulated the whole of London. Jim, who has awakened from his coma, is faced with nothing but infected people hunting him down in the empty big city.</en>


#5 15.05.2024 21:33

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

In the case of the Polish language, I only need to add <pl>title in Polish</pl>?

If there is no this <pl>title in Polish</pl> then what is displayed, English or German?

Beitrag geändert von pauldim (15.05.2024 21:35)


#6 16.05.2024 07:05


Re: I can help create.

Is there an error message in the log file if you change the tag name?
The tag order does not matter.
Adding a <pl> tag should suffice.
English will be the default fallback, if a language tag does not exists.

#7 16.05.2024 07:21

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

I checked logfile and there is a warning:
[13:38:17] DBG      | GAMEEVENTS.ONMINUTE: partly refilling movieagency (1/14:03 (18.01.1985))
[13:38:17] DBG WRN  | MOVIEAGENCY.REFILLBLOCKS(): Not enough licences to refill slot[9+] in list[0]
[13:38:17] DBG WRN  |                           : Not enough licences to refill slot[8+] in list[1]


#8 16.05.2024 12:23


Re: I can help create.

There should have been messages indicating problems earlier on, when initially reading the database.

If you make backup-copies of the original database-xml-files, do not leave them in the same directory or change the file-extension (a.xml ->a.xml_orig)... All xml-files in the database-directory will be processed and duplicate entries may cause problems.

#9 17.05.2024 09:49

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

Yes, I had an error in the xml file. Instead of </pl> there was <pl>. It didn't load this file with programs. Thank you for your help regarding the game log.

I have already translated everything into Polish. The files are on my github.


#10 17.05.2024 10:01

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

I am generally delighted with your game. Something beautiful. Positive changes relative to MAD TV. The game runs stably, has that comic flavor. When I read the descriptions of certain ads and programs I have a good laugh. Congratulations.
There is only one suggestion of mine. To add to the database of programs and commercials the possibility to add a picture of the program and commercials, which will be displayed on the tv screen. If the value in the xml <picture></picture> was empty then the default image would be displayed as it is now. That would be something great. I could edit my xml for my own purposes and add additional images. I know you want to avoid ownership of the images, but would it be possible for a fan like me to have this editing capability?
It would improve this game even more. Just think, every program is a different picture. For example, Star Wars is flying, and the screen shows Harisson Ford with a Wookiee.


#11 17.05.2024 19:08

Registriert: 23.11.2022
Beiträge: 145

Re: I can help create.

hi, great effort, but in order to include the Polish contributions into one of the next official releases, your changes need to be "non-destructive". You swapped the title_original tags and you even overwrote some of existing fake titles (redundantly) with the original titles.

That way it will be too much work for us to manually extract the <pl> tags (or write a script and then double-check everything).

This will also be a nightmare for you to maintain whenever we update the data with new stuff.

If you want to play with real film titles etc, the proper way to do it is described here: https://www.gamezworld.de/phpforum/view … 431#p90431 (auto-translation should work fine). Players will have repeat these steps after each new release. And for you it means that you need to add the real original polish titles *only* to the _original tags, before you locally apply the search-and-replace to play with the real titles.

You also changed some ads to the real brand names, which we can't publish like that for legal reasons. So far no-one minded the spoofing for ads as no-one requested an option to have plug advertising, that's why there aren't _original tags for ad titles yet (we would need to separate "real" and fictional ads into different files then too to support that in a better way).

The translated txt files in /lang though are probably fine and be included without much effort.


#12 17.05.2024 19:20

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

I know, for now I translated the text files themselves, other xml files I will do as you said - without interfering with anything.

Changes in xml files, I made for now for my own needs. I can't stand fictitious names such as Maoralbouro.

What about the issue of real pictures?

Beitrag geändert von pauldim (17.05.2024 19:23)


#13 17.05.2024 20:38

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

At this point, I have translated all of the game's text files and translated the following xml files without text interference: database_news.xml;
I will do the other files soon.


#14 19.05.2024 08:27

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

I have already translated into Polish users files:
cujo.xml; scr0llbaer, scr0llbaer_news, rumpelfreddy.xml
Please check my work. I did not change any of your original texts, I added translations to them. I see we are going for a humorous way to play the game. smile
I declare myself to translate everything, because I myself wanted to participate in the creation of this game a long time ago. If you accept my translations it will be great, if not , I will still translate for myself - your wonderful game.

Will the user files then be added to one master xml file?

The files are on my github.

Beitrag geändert von pauldim (19.05.2024 08:35)


#15 19.05.2024 12:35

Registriert: 23.11.2022
Beiträge: 145

Re: I can help create.

Thanks for your dedication!

There are still some problems with your over-all approach though. nittka opened an issue on your repository and explained how it's done right: https://github.com/pauldim/MADTV/issues/1

Unfortunately, that will probably mean a lot of revision for you to copy-paste the <pl> entries into the proper repository (or for us, but then I can't say when it will happen or if it will happen at all).

Just glancing over your entries:

* You erroneously seem to have skipped some entries, especially in the news items. You left the title empty and put the Polish title in the description. Search for empty <pl></pl> tags to find them. You can always double-check for these empty tags because in most cases they will be wrong and will prevent the fallback to the English language, and players will just see empty text.

* Some news titles are probably (seemingly unnecessarily, apparently you deviated from the English version) too long to fit in. Try to not exceed the length of the German titles and texts (because of the proportional texts in the game there's no way to check without playtesting unfortunately).

* The complex templates with variables for screenplays and news: Seems you're putting a good effort in, congratulations! However I'm wondering if the current structure will work with Polish grammar. Others and me jumped through a lot of hoops to make English and German grammar work somehow in the variables with all the different genders for nouns and articles (der/die/das) and the different ways of Capitalization. If Polish is a language where there gender is constructed differently (more like in Spanish or Russian), then this will probably be quite incompatible to some of the existing German and English entries and will require some rework. Anyhow, you will probably notice problems and wrong grammar when playtesting. Feel free make proposals how some of the variable structures need to be changed. If you have questions feel free to ask.

* Some things probably shouldn't be translated, e.g. Flamebird is the spoof of a brand (Pontiac Firebird, the brand of the Knight Rider car). As a general hint, when the German and English versions are the same, then that will in most cases apply for other languages too. (Could have left the English variation out to make that clearer, German is the ultimate fallback.)

* You "translated" some variable names, e.g. here:

                    <en>The man, who stole the table from a park in %town% and claimed to be taking it to a friend's backyard barbecue, was charged with grand larceny%andcriminalmischief%.</en>
                    <pl>Mężczyzna, który ukradł stół z parku w %town% i twierdził, że zabrał go na przydomowego grilla przyjaciela, został oskarżony o wielką kradzież% i przestępstwo.</pl>

Leave the %andcriminalmischief% as is (you have translated that already in the respective variable).

There are more instances where you did this.

* I think "Anarchistyczna" is not the correct translation for "Alternative" (as in Margaret Thatcher: "There is no alternative!"), no? Means quite the opposite. gw_smiley_zwinkern

Beitrag geändert von scr0llbaer (19.05.2024 14:06)


#16 19.05.2024 15:04

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

Thank you for the comprehensive information.
1. I am aware that you may not include my work in the general. OK.
2 I created a “fork” in github as you suggested.
3. yes there may be translation errors and omitted titles.
4. as you say the translation may be difficult and convoluted, but we will see.
5. flamebird - yes I understand, these inserts comical. I might not have seen.
6. yes, I translated some variables by accident, not on purpose.
7. in your messages, there are a lot of intricacies due to the language differences between English and Polish. Yes, this is a difficult job.
8. I still have a long way to go.


#17 20.05.2024 20:58

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

1. Is it possible to include old music from Mad TV , is it licensed?
2. This website : https://www.madtv-online.com/index it has something to do with your game?


#18 20.05.2024 23:13

Registriert: 02.05.2002
Beiträge: 216

Re: I can help create.

pauldim schrieb:

2. This website : https://www.madtv-online.com/index it has something to do with your game?

Simple answer: No


#19 21.05.2024 01:47

Registriert: 23.11.2022
Beiträge: 145

Re: I can help create.

> I still have a long way to go.

No worries we're getting there. smile

Are you using an AI tool because of the translation of variables? Maybe you can teeach it that everything between the %% and {} are variables. It probably doesn't recognize it itself when there is no spacing before the %.

> This website : https://www.madtv-online.com/index it has something to do with your game?

Why are you asking?

Beitrag geändert von scr0llbaer (21.05.2024 01:48)


#20 21.05.2024 03:34

Registriert: 23.11.2022
Beiträge: 145

Re: I can help create.

Speaking of AI, and because you seemingly aren't interested in the spoofed titles (but we need them too!), let the AI create them too.

Played around with ChatGPT, here's my prompt:

> The following XML entries represent existing films. You will find info like the release year, countries of origin (in International vehicle registration code format) and the IMDB ID if you're unsure which film an entry represents. To the <description> tags, add Polish translations of the existing German (<de></de>) and English (<en></en>) versions of the descriptions. The <title_original> tags contain the titles of the films. Add the original Polish titles of the films between <pl></pl> tags. If you don't know the film or are unsure or it seemingly doesn't have an official Polish title, leave out the Polish title entirely, don't add empty <pl></pl> tags. Now the <title> tags actually contain spoofed versions of the original titles. You can be creative here and add a Polish version that should resemble the original Polish title, can be funny and satirical, but shouldn't distort what the film is about too much. When in doubt, translate the spoof titles from the other languages. And again leave it out entirely if you're unsure.


The result:

<programme id="a32d68a8-8f9d-4b98-9a6a-e1871a4dcd2c" product="1" licence_type="1" creator="9551" imdb_id="tt0010323">
		<de>Die Kammer des Dr. Caligula</de>
		<en>The Chamber of Dr. Caligula</en>
		<pl>Komnata doktora Caliguli</pl>
		<de>Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari</de>
		<en>The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari</en>
		<pl>Gabinet doktora Caligari</pl>
		<de>Ein Schlafwandler wird tagsüber von einem zwielichtigen Doktor als Jahrmarktsattraktion herumgezeigt. Nachts begeht er Morde. Der expressionistische Stummfilm gilt als ein Meilenstein der Filmgeschichte.</de>
		<en>A sleepwalker is paraded around as a fairground attraction by a shady Doctor during the day. At night he commits murders. The expressionist silent film is considered a milestone in film history.</en>
		<pl>Lunatyk jest w ciągu dnia pokazywany jako atrakcja jarmarku przez podejrzanego doktora. Nocą popełnia morderstwa. Ekspresjonistyczny film niemy uważany jest za kamień milowy w historii kina.</pl>
		<member index="0" function="1">689c8199-f991-4d11-8472-fdd1f1eccbfa</member>
		<member index="1" function="2">b129f48d-6efb-4aad-b7a8-65188377b56c</member>
		<member index="2" function="2">e38cf68d-80c1-4405-9e7c-c5d85fa51bf6</member>
		<member index="3" function="2">e40590b7-131a-4993-bbcc-4e773a93c790</member>
		<member index="4" function="2">02476235-a933-40be-9586-e9c4420f83ec</member>
	<groups target_groups="0" pro_pressure_groups="0" />
	<data country="D" year="1920" distribution="1" maingenre="14" subgenre="12,17" flags="12" blocks="2" price_mod="0.25" />
	<ratings critics="85" speed="81" outcome="70" />
		<modifier name="topicality::age" value="0.5" />
<programme id="cdd7f8a1-135f-4e36-ac99-47a4217325c0" product="1" licence_type="1" creator="9551" imdb_id="tt0031381">
		<de>Verloren mit dem Wind</de>
		<en>Blown away by the Wind</en>
		<pl>Przeminęło z wichrem</pl>
		<de>Vom Winde Verweht</de>
		<en>Gone with the Wind</en>
		<pl>Przeminęło z wiatrem</pl>
		<de>Die Monumental-Schnulze über die stürmische Beziehung zwischen der unverwüstlichen, entschlossenen Scarlett und Lebemann Rhett während und nach dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg. 8 Oscars und kommerziell einer der erfolgreichsten Filme aller Zeiten.</de>
		<en>The epic tearjerker about the tempestuous relationship between the resilient, determined Scarlett and bon vivant Rhett during and after the American Civil War. 8 Oscars and commercially one of the most successful films of all time.</en>
		<pl>Epicki wyciskacz łez o burzliwym związku pomiędzy niezłomną, zdecydowaną Scarlett a bon vivantem Rhettem podczas i po amerykańskiej wojnie secesyjnej. 8 Oscarów i jeden z najbardziej komercyjnych sukcesów w historii kina.</pl>
		<member index="0" function="1">73d2c6d6-bd43-42d0-97e1-d6ba7ea8ba25</member>
		<member index="1" function="2">TheRob-celebritypeople-BargHable</member>
		<member index="2" function="2">7fe54b4e-1917-4292-b45d-a24eee9867c6</member>
		<member index="3" function="2">502f46a5-9864-43c0-b1ef-4ce10f17eb70</member>
		<member index="4" function="2">e0457bb7-74a9-4cba-b3f9-86cd4b211b61</member>
		<member index="5" function="2">TheRob-TowerTV-GaryRavenport</member>
	<groups target_groups="0" pro_pressure_groups="0" />
	<data country="USA" year="1939" distribution="1" maingenre="7" subgenre="13,15" flags="8" blocks="4" price_mod="1" />
	<ratings critics="82" speed="83" outcome="96" />
		<modifier name="topicality::age" value="0.5" />
<programme id="e0173cd9-c35a-4d9a-a968-9640e4e74ad1" product="1" licence_type="1" creator="9551" imdb_id="tt0032138">
		<de>Der Magier von Oz</de>
		<en>The Magician of Oz</en>
		<pl>Magik z Oz</pl>
		<de>Der Zauberer von Oz / Das zauberhafte Land</de>
		<en>The Wizard of Oz</en>
		<pl>Czarnoksiężnik z Oz</pl>
		<de>Immer noch die bei weitem bekannteste Verfilmung, in für damals prächtigen Farben, des Kinderbuchs über Dorothy und ihre unbeabsichtigte Reise ins magische Reich von Oz, dessen böse Hexe sie mit ihren neuen Gefährten bekämpft.</de>
		<en>Still by far the best-known film adaptation, in gorgeous colors for the time, of the children's book about Dorothy and her unintentional journey to the magical kingdom of Oz, where she fights the evil witch with her new companions.</en>
		<pl>Nadal najbardziej znana ekranizacja książki dla dzieci o Dorotce i jej niezamierzonej podróży do magicznego królestwa Oz, gdzie walczy ze złą wiedźmą wraz z nowymi towarzyszami, w przepięknych kolorach jak na tamte czasy.</pl>
		<member index="0" function="1">73d2c6d6-bd43-42d0-97e1-d6ba7ea8ba25</member>
		<member index="1" function="2">e8c464b6-ee71-481a-8aaa-793940365afe</member>
		<member index="2" function="2">aa4c74bb-4ba9-48a8-9a8e-c9907de17728</member>
		<member index="3" function="2">417a87c6-0021-4aa4-be87-23652ff80bf8</member>
		<member index="4" function="2">90e51b62-b7c5-42d5-a4c3-76a22daa0f81</member>
		<member index="5" function="2">0eccc420-0c21-4a61-ae03-c2f91da98fcc</member>
		<member index="6" function="2">21dba689-fc1b-45e6-82b6-8bae306381e1</member>
		<member index="7" function="2">ad660473-2813-4309-996a-7bd8d0e93b67</member>
	<groups target_groups="0" pro_pressure_groups="0" />
	<targetgroupattractivity children="1.5" teenagers_female="1.5" housewives_male="1.5" housewives_female="2" employees_male="1.25" employees_female="1.5" unemployed_male="1.25" unemployed_female="1.5" pensioners_male="1.5" pensioners_female="1.75" />
	<data country="USA" year="1939" distribution="1" maingenre="7" subgenre="2,3" flags="8" blocks="2" price_mod="1" />
	<ratings critics="93" speed="83" outcome="85" />
		<modifier name="topicality::age" value="0.5" />

Should be fine so far. Just takes it a while to generate. I tried to make it do a larger chunk, but weirdly, when I press "continue generating", it goes on generating and translating other random films I didn't request. AI hallucinating again. laugh So watch out for that.

And for the TV series:

> We'll continue with TV series. Proceed similarly as before. Series have the episodes in the <children> tags, not necessarily representing the original order. The individual episodes may also contain links to their IMDB page when in doubt. Also proceed for each episode as before.

<programme id="2a3d04ec-d3e7-4acb-b760-7c2f7d17e4e0" product="2" licence_type="3" creator="9551" imdb_id="tt0052451">
		<de>Wononza (Staffel 1)</de>
		<en>Wononza (Season 1)</en>
		<pl>Wononza (Sezon 1)</pl>
		<de>Bonanza (Staffel 1)</de>
		<en>Bonanza (Season 1)</en>
		<pl>Bonanza (Sezon 1)</pl>
		<de>An anderer Stelle in diesem Spiel unheilschwanger angekündigt, hier ist sie, die antike Dauerbrenner-Westernserie rund um Ranch-Daddy [0|Full].</de>
		<en>Announced ominously elsewhere in this game, here it is, the ancient long-running Western series centered around Ranch Daddy [0|Full].</en>
		<pl>Zapowiedziana złowieszczo gdzie indziej w tej grze, oto ona, starożytna, długotrwała westernowa seria skoncentrowana wokół Ranch Daddy [0|Full].</pl>
		<member index="0" function="2">82948f0e-8d00-4e24-a2a2-fbfc4aa3b503</member>
		<member index="1" function="2">d3a4371d-fb5e-4fbb-830f-a55fac72805b</member>
		<member index="2" function="2">b53cfc21-e7b2-4a53-926b-c9b2518ae825</member>
		<member index="3" function="2">111bba01-c84c-4b00-8782-c5810d703a0f</member>
	<groups target_groups="0" pro_pressure_groups="0" />
	<data country="USA" year="1959" distribution="2" maingenre="18" subgenre="9" flags="0" blocks="1" price_mod="0.6" />
	<ratings critics="63" speed="61" outcome="79" />
		<programme id="e7bb2bb3-0b77-40d0-b967-a2b28f1d14c3" product="2" licence_type="2" imdb_id="tt0529483" creator="9551">
				<de>Eine Rose für Lotta</de>
				<en>A Trap for Little Joe</en>
				<pl>Pułapka na Małego Joe</pl>
				<de>Eine Falle für Little Joe</de>
				<en>A Rose for Lotta</en>
				<pl>Róża dla Lotty</pl>
				<de>Ein Bergbau-Tycoon benutzt eine Schauspielerin, um Joe als Geisel zu halten und dafür Holz zu bekommen.</de>
				<en>A mining tycoon uses an actress in a plot to hold Joe hostage in exchange for timber wood.</en>
				<pl>Magnat górniczy używa aktorki w planie, aby wziąć Joe jako zakładnika w zamian za drewno.</pl>
				<effect trigger="broadcastFirstTime" type="modifyProgrammeAvailability" enable="1" guid="9d859c07-4724-461e-a9ff-8c97df5415b2" />
		<programme id="b6ba3b80-da74-4559-9a91-1c3163ed2e72" product="2" licence_type="2" imdb_id="tt0529788" creator="9551">
				<de>Die Rattenfänger-Story</de>
				<en>The Pied Piper Story</en>
				<pl>Historia szczurołapa</pl>
				<de>Die Deidesheimer Story</de>
				<en>The Philip Diedesheimer Story</en>
				<pl>Historia Philipa Diedesheimera</pl>
				<de>Rattenfänger Philip Deidesheimer versucht mit Hilfe von Adam und Hoss, eine Methode zu entwickeln, um die Silberminen von Virginia City vor einem Einsturz zu bewahren.</de>
				<en>Pied Piper Philip Deidesheimer, with the help of Adam and Hoss, tries to create a method for saving the silver mines of Virginia City from a cave-in.</en>
				<pl>Szczurołap Philip Deidesheimer, z pomocą Adama i Hossa, próbuje stworzyć metodę ratowania kopalń srebra w Virginia City przed zawaleniem.</pl>
		<programme id="423c05e5-3656-4ae3-834d-86ea1999ed3e" product="2" licence_type="2" imdb_id="tt0529734" creator="9551">
				<de>Der Aufhäng-Geile Mob</de>
				<en>The Day Will Come, Marks</en>
				<pl>Dzień nadejdzie, Marks</pl>
				<de>Der Tag wird kommen, Marks</de>
				<en>The Hanging Posse</en>
				<pl>Oddział wieszających</pl>
				<de>Adam und Joe versuchen zu verhindern, dass sich ein Trupp, der Mörder fangen will, in einen Lynchmob verwandelt.</de>
				<en>Adam and Joe attempt to stop a posse bent on catching murderers from changing into a lynch mob.</en>
				<pl>Adam i Joe próbują powstrzymać oddział mający na celu złapanie morderców przed przemianą w tłum linczujący.</pl>
		<programme id="9faec439-3426-4558-84ab-14f690781fec" product="2" licence_type="2" imdb_id="tt0529878" creator="9551">
				<en>Revenge for Billy Morgan</en>
				<pl>Zemsta za Billy'ego Morgana</pl>
				<de>Rache für Billy Morgan</de>
				<de>Ben wird schwer verwundet, als er und Hoss Hilfe im Kampf gegen die rachsüchtigen Morgan-Brüder suchen, und wird mit Feigheit konfrontiert, als alle Freunde, die er in der Stadt zu haben glaubte, sich verstecken.</de>
				<en>Ben is seriously wounded as he and Hoss seek help in fighting the vengeful Morgan brothers, only to be confronted with cowardice when all the friends they thought he had in town decide to hide away.</en>
				<pl>Ben zostaje poważnie ranny, gdy on i Hoss szukają pomocy w walce z mściwymi braćmi Morgan, a następnie spotyka się z tchórzostwem, gdy wszyscy przyjaciele, których uważał za swoich w mieście, postanawiają się ukryć.</pl>
		<programme id="209e7a73-4940-41e9-b362-d5effadc3f21" product="2" licence_type="2" imdb_id="tt0529674" creator="9551">
				<de>Der Rächer</de>
				<en>Sentenced to Death</en>
				<pl>Skazany na śmierć</pl>
				<de>Zum Tode verurteilt</de>
				<en>The Avenger</en>
				<de>Ein geheimnisvoller Fremder hilft Hoss und Joe, Ben und Adam zu retten, bevor sie wie sein Vater gehängt werden.</de>
				<en>A mysterious stranger helps Hoss and Joe to save Ben and Adam before they're hanged like his father.</en>
				<pl>Tajemniczy nieznajomy pomaga Hossowi i Joe uratować Bena i Adama, zanim zostaną powieszeni jak jego ojciec.</pl>
		<programme id="20800b74-294f-4773-95da-738f459f2169" product="2" licence_type="2" imdb_id="tt0529643" creator="9551">
				<de>San Francisco</de>
				<en>The Mysterious Dockside Bar</en>
				<pl>Tajemniczy bar na nabrzeżu</pl>
				<de>Die geheimnisvolle Hafenbar</de>
				<en>San Francisco</en>
				<pl>San Francisco</pl>
				<de>Die Cartwrights beenden einen Viehtrieb in San Francisco. Ben wird an der Barbary Coast auf der Suche nach zwei Rancharbeitern verschleppt.</de>
				<en>The Cartwrights finish a cattle drive in San Francisco. Ben is shanghaied at the Barbary Coast while searching for a pair of ranch hands.</en>
				<pl>Cartwrightowie kończą przepęd bydła w San Francisco. Ben zostaje uprowadzony na Barbary Coast, gdy szuka pary pracowników rancza.</pl>
		<programme id="7931f866-0a92-4789-8d34-e8ebfdca49f7" product="2" licence_type="2" imdb_id="tt0529560" creator="9551">
				<de>Füße aus Lehm</de>
				<en>The Apple Does not Fall Far from the Tree</en>
				<pl>Jabłko nie pada daleko od jabłoni</pl>
				<de>Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm</de>
				<en>Feet of Clay</en>
				<pl>Nogi z gliny</pl>
				<de>Die Cartwrights trösten und beherbergen einen Jungen, dessen Mutter gerade gestorben ist und dessen Vater im Gefängnis sitzt. Oder saß. Es heißt, er sei ausgebrochen und suche womöglich nach seinem Sohn.</de>
				<en>The Cartwrights comfort and shelter a boy whose mother has just died and whose father is in jail. Or was. News is he escaped and might be looking for his son.</en>
				<pl>Cartwrightowie pocieszają i dają schronienie chłopcu, którego matka właśnie zmarła, a ojciec siedzi w więzieniu. A może siedział. Pojawiły się wiadomości, że uciekł i może szukać swojego syna.</pl>

The season was too long so I had to click "continue generating". This time it almost didn't mess up, it just cut short one episode, so watch out for that too.

As said the (re-)generating takes really long. If you have access to an API that can manipulate the XML file directly (without re-generating everything), then it will be reasonably fast I guess. If not, you might be faster with other methods.

Found this: https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/14n40a7/tired_of_copypasting_frominto_chatgpt_make_it/

Beitrag geändert von scr0llbaer (21.05.2024 04:06)


#21 21.05.2024 09:35

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

I use deepl. Unfortunately, sometimes it will translate the variables for me. But it happens rarely.

As for the question about the site: It was 6 years ago that I came across it while looking for information on whether someone was going to do a remake of MAD TV by chance. Then I found that site.
The creators of Mad Tv - Rainbow Artists were from Germany I think. I thought maybe one of you is from that company. This site has music from Mad Tv-quite cool. I don't know if it could be used here?

Beitrag geändert von pauldim (21.05.2024 09:36)


#22 21.05.2024 09:54

Ort: Poland
Registriert: 15.05.2024
Beiträge: 20

Re: I can help create.

Oh that's interesting with this Chat GPT. I didn't expect that he could do it all like that. Ah, that artificial intelligence.
I wanted to approach it like this:
1.decrypt the video
2.find a suitable translation on Polish film sites and as you wrote - satirically distort it to fit the Polish language - in the case of title.  For the original titles in Polish language also need to know which can be translated , and which can not. For example, Pretty Woman does not translate in Polish as "pretty woman" because it's stupid. I know and am aware of what you are talking about.
I always wanted to make such a game, but I do not have the knowledge of such. When I saw how brilliantly you do it I am delighted.
I'll keep translating, I need to embrace github because I'm having a bit of a problem with it. If you don't want to take my work under consideration, that's okay. I will do it for myself then anyway.


#23 21.05.2024 22:44

Registriert: 23.11.2022
Beiträge: 145

Re: I can help create.

> The creators of Mad Tv - Rainbow Artists were from Germany I think. I thought maybe one of you is from that company.

No we're not. madtv-online neither. All just fan projects. Yes Rainbow Arts was a German software company. Nice you enjoyed Mad TV back then because the English translation wasn't even good. laugh

That fan projects like TVTower and madtv-online use a lot of the names, graphics and so on indeed might be a legally not completely clarified thing to do. Because the original Mad TV was officially made free to download eventually it is assumed it's all free to use, but actually the licensing was never made clear afaik.

So, same with the in-game music, the license is not clear, that's why it's not used. Could say that about the graphics too, Ronny wrote somewhere he repixeled (manually "upscaled") the graphics so that they're not the same, but I wouldn't be so sure if that would suffice (then we could also use a remix of the music at least). But anyway, No plaintiff no judge I guess.

> For example, Pretty Woman does not translate in Polish as "pretty woman" because it's stupid

I'm certain ChatGPT will know that the original Polish title of the film is also Pretty Woman. Its knowledge of films is sufficiently deep.

> I need to embrace github because I'm having a bit of a problem with it.

Don't do everything at the same time. You already created the branch with the first step, the txt localizations, and you already finished them as far as I can see, so you're ready to create your first PR (pull request). You should find that button in the main view of your branch.


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