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#1 16.06.2005 12:32

Registriert: 16.06.2005
Beiträge: 1

Hi Guys


As you have probably guessed, I am from the UK and speak only very basic german.

Is anyone able to:
a. Tell me when the remake is likely to be finished
b. Get the demo in English?

The work i've seen is amazing, keep it up guys and if u need an english writer for the TV programme descriptions etc. then I'd LOVE to help!



#2 17.06.2005 06:05


Re: Hi Guys

i'll try to give you some answers gw_smiley_zwinkern

a.) when it's done ... hopefully within the year 2005   [img]sources/mods/schildsmiley/schildsmiley.php?smilienummer=3&text=please[/img]
b.) i dont think there is an english translation for the demo version

i hope this help's you a little bit gw_smiley_zwinkern

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