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Themen-Übersicht (Neuester Beitrag zuerst)

02.03.2005 03:33


i don't know of any editor for madtv 1, nor 2. never heard of it, i'm quite sure there's no such thing.
the only thing i could imagine is to actually change the content of the files (eg 251.hes) OR the different version (sourcex.rsc) with a hex-editor sad

oh well gw_smiley_zwinkern greetings.

01.03.2005 16:50

Does anyone know about an editor for the mad tv 1? It would be really nice to have one of those. By the way, i know this shouldnt be here, but can u put a new english forum? I find hard to go everytime to the translators online and they are not still accurate. I know also spanish just in case that u need something.