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games of category: Action (22 games)
Ball Inferno
In this arcadegame, you have to shoot at balls by driving a spaceship. But it isn?t as easy as you may imagine. Why? The balls jump around the level and if your shot hits a big ball, it shatters into 2 smaller ones.
From time to time you can collect powerups like supershot or an extra life. According to the author there are 30 level, which logically become harder the higher you are. If the player has no more lives, you must owin...
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date: 27.09.2002 Downloads: 5776  size: 6.23 MB  players:  
Dark War 2 v1.30
Every older gambler may still know classic like Golden Axe, the others will learn the game principle now with Dark Wars 2 :D
After at first one has decided whether one would play alone or with a second player against the powers of the darkness, one must stride to the choice of weapons.
Depending on the credits you earned during the levels, you can choose from more or less powerful weapons.
After starting you have go...
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date: 27.09.2002 Downloads: 10880  size: 3.44 MB  players:  
Dirty Drink Fighter
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Dirty Drink Fighter ist ein weiterer StreetFighterKlon (ich beziehe mich auf Little Fighter 2, auch auf GW vorhanden ;D) der mit 4 Gegnern, ziemlich guten Animationen und Multiplayermöglichkeit daherkommt.
Ebenfalls kann man den Gore-Level (also den "Blutgehalt" anpassen, falls es einem zu bru...
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date: 08.03.2002 Downloads: 7208  size: 5.87 MB  players:  
Entrance Gate v1.2
The continents were destroyed by the nuclear war and you haven?t managed to escape of the planet.
You find yourself again on the search for a building, what shall protect you from the radioactive radiation now.
You have gone into a deserted underground building, you recognize that you aren?t the first who entered this building, and the ones who was first there have this one a little against intruders :D.
Ready to th...
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date: 27.09.2002 Downloads: 12260  size: 29.41 MB  players:  
Fighter's Kototai (aka Kyodotai) v1.0
The asian people are well known to like mangas, but they also have a favor for fighting-games like StreetFighter. Also Fighters Kototai is no exception there. Although the fighters have only 256 colors, but therefore the game extends on specialmoves and effects.
The control about your fighter is learned very fast and every move you can do could be changed together with other moves. Sincerly the game is nearly in japanese. But f...
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date: 07.10.2002 Downloads: 15802  size: 67.38 MB  players:  
Final Frontier v1.2
In Final Frontier, you take control over a spaceship, which has to save the earth against enemy invasors.
For doing that, you have a on-board-cannon and some rockets for it. If you have less rockets, you can call a supplyship which places the required supplies into the space - so you have to collect it by yourself ;D.
The graphic is average, so the planet earth looks great, the effects for the rocket are looking like displace...
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date: 18.10.2002 Downloads: 4896  size: 9.79 MB  players:  
Fish Dish
There is no English translation for this review yet. Showing german one instead...

Ich glaube dieses Spiel habe ich von jemand anderem auch schon mal gespielt ;D Das w ar auch so kindgerecht wie dieses und auch die Thematik ist die gleiche:
Fressen oder Gefressen werden. Denn genau das muss man hier zu Herzen nehmen, anfangs als kleiner Fisch der nur die kleinsten der Flossentiere vers...
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date: 25.05.2002 Downloads: 4966  size: 541 KB  players:  
Our small hero reminds me a little bit on the 2 figures out of the M&M-spots ;D
You have to control our little purple smartie through different comic-levels. But by doing this you have also to shoot on bad boys and you have to jump over nailtraps.
You can't kill all bad figures in this game, so you have to prove your fate in this jump'n'Run.
At the beginning of the game you have 5 lifes. To earn a life, you have...
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date: 03.10.2002 Downloads: 6428  size: 1.15 MB  players:  
games of category: Action (22 games)
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