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Themen-Übersicht (Neuester Beitrag zuerst)

09.12.2003 20:59

danke koksi.

und ich hab mich gefragt wie mein turm zerstört werden konnte obwohl ich einen bombenleger ausgeschalten habe.

09.12.2003 20:38

Ich hoffe, es ist brauchbar (leider nur auf Englisch):

The Bomberman (Mission 12)

You've got a bomberman, the only person who can destroy your
enemy's observation post to the west. Problem is, he also has a
bomberman - or rather a string of them! His bomberman comes from a
cave to the south of your village and heads northeast. Send some
soldiers directly to your observation post as soon as the game
starts.  Then get them to guard it. I also positioned an archer on
the bomberman's route. He used to pick them off as soon as they
came into view ... quite sad to see a line of little corpses ...
not! Your bomberman is trapped on an island - easy to find it to
the north, but not so easy to get there. You'll need lots of
soldiers to deal with the beasts (wasps and dark wolves) too. Head
to the far left to find the enemy's observation post and kill his
guards (takes some doing).

To the far right is a circle of trees. Use Ctrl/left click on some
of them (I used the lower left) to destroy them and break into the
circle.  Two ogres appear; I had 8 archers there and picked them
off. Send one archer into the temple to teleport to the
bomberman's island. Walk to the right until you're told you've
activated a mechanism and freed him.  Walk him out to the temple
but before sending him through, send several foot soldiers to the
tree circle because enemy foot soldiers will appear and home in on
bomberman. In the confusion of the fighting, avoid the soldiers
and send him through to the observation post and victory!

-->Linktitel: http://www.syntax2000.co.uk/issues/52/beasts.qht.txt (Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://www.syntax2000.co.uk/issues/52/beasts.qht.txt'
(Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://www.syntax2000.co.uk/issues/52/beasts.qht.txt'
(Links sind aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht klickbar)
-->Link: 'http://www.syntax2000.co.uk/issues/52/beasts.qht.txt'

09.12.2003 20:14

kennt jemand das spiel?
ich brauch die lösung zu level 12.

danke im voraus.*amverzweifelnbin*